Act with Confidence: MarketView Desktop

Watch this short video to see how easy it is to visualize, track, and analyze real-time and historical market data as well as global news and proprietary data in one intuitive platform.

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Try MarketView With Zero Risk



Visualize, track, and analyze real-time and historical market data as well as global news and proprietary data.



Access to real-time streaming commodity prices, quotes, charts, and news on your favorite mobile device.



Perform complex analysis, generate curves, and build models upon dynamically updating real-time and historical data.


MarketView®Data Integration

Deliver both market and proprietary data to your CTRM, ERP, BI tools, confirmation, invoicing, or other downstream systems.


Lynn Johnson
Senior Administrative Assistant, CITGO

“We switched from an industry-leading pricing service to MarketView because we found that it is better documented, less error-prone and more user-friendly. ”

Glen Mackey
Chief Risk Officer, NRG

“With MarketView, we achieved a key objective of enhancing support to our commercial operations, reducing both data infrastructure and cost. ”

The Andersons
Andy Spahr
Commodity Merchant for the Grain Group, The Andersons, Inc

“MarketView allows us to keep up with the dynamic markets that we operate in, which in turn, helps us provide accurate and timely information to our customers. ”